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MS-CS @ Rochester Institute of Technology, NY

View on GitHub Tech Music Philosophy Leetcode Solutions


Car Fleet

tags: Leetcode, Medium, Stack

Python Code

Approach: Stacks
Time Complexity: O(N.log(N))
Space Complexity: O(N)

from typing import List

class CarFleet:
    def _car_fleet(self, target: int, position: List[int], speed: List[int]) -> int:
        """ Return number of fleets reaching the target
        Calculates the number of fleets that will reach the destination based on the position and speed of the cars
        :param target: integer value representing the destination of the fleet
        :param position: list of integer values representing the positions of every car in the fleet
        :param speed: list of integer values representing the speed of the car at every index position
        :return: integer representing the number of fleets reaching the destination

        # map position and speed from the two lists
        pos_speed_map = list(zip(position, speed))
        # sort the mapped list in reverse order of the car's positions such that the first car is the one
        # closest to the destination
        # declare and initialize an empty stack which will help keep track of the number of fleets
        # reaching the destination
        stack = []
        # iterate through the mapped list
        for pos, speed in pos_speed_map:
            # calculate the time taken for the car at current position to reach the destination
            time = (target - pos) / speed
            # append this time to the stack
            # if the time at the last position in the stack is less than the one before that then pop the last element.
            # this is because the car with less time will eventually catch up with the slower car and then continue
            # the rest of the journey with that speed
            if len(stack) >= 2 and stack[-1] <= stack[-2]:
        # the length of the stack represents the number of fleets arriving at the destination
        return len(stack)

    def process(self, input_target: int, input_position: List[int], input_speed: List[int]) -> int:
        print(f"\nOutput >> {self._car_fleet(input_target, input_position, input_speed)}\n")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    count = int(input("Enter the number of cars in the fleet: "))
    input_target_value = int(input("Enter the target: "))
    input_position_list, input_speed_list = [], []
    print("Enter the positions: ")
    for _ in range(count):
    print("Enter the speeds: ")
    for _ in range(count):
    CarFleet().process(input_target_value, input_position_list, input_speed_list)


Enter the number of cars in the fleet: 5
Enter the target: 12
Enter the positions: 
Enter the speeds: 

Output >> 3